Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya, Deolali Pravara


Board of Extra-Mural Studies

Board of Extra- Mural Studies, SPPU

RSMDP has been Implemented Bahishal Lecture Series in the college since 2011. University & College organized these lecture series  to bring the University to the people by using the facilities and resources of the University for the education of the adult population and the youth for their economic, social and cultural development.

 Under these activity college conducts following Lecture Series for Student, Staff and Senior Citizens for surrounding.

  1. Babasaheb Jaykar Lecture Series
  2. Yashwantrao Chavhan Lecture Series
  3. Dnyan-Vidnyan Vachan Chalval
  4. Ek Divshiy Jeshth Nagrik Shibeer
  5. Sant Gadgebaba Jeshth Nagrik Lecture Series

Bahishal Committee:

Sr. No.Name Designation
1Prin. Hapse S.M.Chairman
2Asst.Prof. Mrs. Tekale R.P.Coordinator
3Asst.Prof. Mrs. Borkar G. K.Member
4Asst.Prof. Gund S.P.Member
  1. To organize awareness campaigns for instilling skills among people to become lifelong learners.
  2. To promote cognitive skills to deal with information and knowledge for sustainable development.
  3. To conduct lecture series, summer schools, need-based programs, and various courses for community.
  4. To develop e-content, online learning programs, MOOCs for community.
  5. To conduct awareness campaigns, cultural programs for senior citizens.
  6. To encourage assistance and coordinating the efforts of the academic departments, colleges, private  educational institutes and NGOs in all forms of university extension.
  7. To employ various educational techniques such as personal contact, village study clubs, senior citizens club, mass meetings, conferences, rallies, publications, radio programs, handbooks etc. for attaining  the mission of the board.